Leadership & Team Coaching
As Enterprise Customer you are facing enormous pressure through internal restructuring processes, outsourcing, merge & acquisitions, project & deadline pressure and team changes. You want to develop a course of action to get out of inactivity and take control of your situation.
⇒ APILANi is Your #1 Alliance Partner for new action alternatives you've rejected or ignored so far.
APILANi's Services in detail ...
Corporate Culture & Value Management
⇒ With APILANi you get a new access to sustainability, diversity management and leadership.
Corporate Culture & Leadership
Corporate Culture & Employer Branding
Over time, many companies have established a rigid corporate culture that makes it difficult or even impossible to adapt changing conditions such as increasing competition, increasing cost pressure and shorter delivery expectations. A cultural change must take place to make these companies competitive again. An endeavor that companies can not implement without external help.
⇒ With APILANi you create the cultural change. Your company can face the competition or even disassociate itself from it and learns to be flexible in the future as well. Your company becomes attractive again to new employees and skilled workers and also manages to increase the performance of the existing team.
Leadership, Values, Change
Leadership means transformation of complex information into clear instructions. More and more managers have to find their way around a highly dynamic environment, evaluate the strategy for their company from a flood of information and pass it on to their employees. How should this succeed?
On the basis of so-called value memes (WMemes), which produce lifestyles, beliefs and attitudes, we apply a method (Spiral Dnamics), with which companies, individuals and economic developments can be analyzed, evaluated and transformed, thus opening up a completely new access to sustainability, diversity management and leadership.
⇒ With APILANi you get a new access to sustainability, diversity management and leadership.
Leadership Coaching
Employees want to be guided and not managed.
“Few managers realize that ultimately they can and must only lead one person. That person is you.” (Peter Drucker)
Which leadership and organizational models are out there? And which one fits to our company?
⇒ Together with APILANi you will analyse your current situation / your internal processes / your company structure from an energetic perspective and create a guideline for a satisfying overall solution.
Leadership Coaching - Topics
► Leadership styles
► Natural laws of leadership
► Agile leadership
► Decision-making techniques with agile leadership
► Transformational leadership
► The ideal leader
► Boss or manager? The differences
► What a good boss really is
► Executive as a coach
► How to become a better leader
► The key to good leadership
► What employees really want from the boss
► The most common leadership mistakes
► Is there a secret to successful leadership?
Team Power
The "who" behind the "what" is the hidden secret. Successful teams are the winner - erverywhen and everywhere.
Team Power Sessions cover topics like
► Team Assessment ► Teambuilding levels
► Five mistakes about teamwork ► The ten success factors
► The secret of the "12" ► Distribution of roles within the team
► A team is like an orchestra ► Trust your team
► Remote teams ► The team meeting
► Lack of team spirit ► How mobbing comes up
► From the demotivated team to the performance group