Strategic Sales Services


A successful Go-To-Market strategy needs territorial, economic and cultural know-how as well as solid regional business relationships.

⇒ APILANi is Your #1 Alliance Partner for the implementation of Your international Sales Strategy.

APILANi's Services in detail ...

Key Account Management

In major markets such as DACH Senior Strategic & Key Account Managers help to build a solid customer base and ensure sustainable growth and success.
Key Accounts are Enterprise Customers (prospects or existing customers) who generate 80% of your revenue. They are of strategic importance to your company. If you are not able to secure potential future revenue with your Key Accounts, you have a significant problem.
APILANi manages and maintains high-involvement relationships to Enterprise Customers and creates major Opportunities for you in order to increase revenue and gain momentum in the EMEA region.

We develop and maintain strategic relationships with the Key Accounts defined together with you and work with them to continuously improve your solution. As a customer, you will receive valuable answers straight from practice.

⇒ With APILANi you gain Strategic Relationships with major Enterprise Customers as Key Accounts.

APILANi helps you to identify and categorize enhancement requests for your products based on our Enterprise Customers' feedback. You are able to adjust your development efforts according to the market's needs.

⇒ With APILANi you gain directions for your further Product Development.

With APILANi's Strategic & Key Account Management you secure planning certainty and long-term growth.

⇒ With APILANi you gain long-term growth in different territories.

Partner Management

Partner Management becomes increasingly important when your Products get more robust and standardized.
As part of your global Go-To-Market Strategy APILANi then helps you to additionally generate Business indirectly through various
Sales channels like VARs, IVSs, SIs, Affiliate Partners etc. We help you to bring your Business Partners up to speed to distribute your Product line more quickly within Europe.

You need to keep your business partners informed to position your product line faster in EMEA. A better understanding of your customers' purchasing preferences and the strengths of your channel partners, accelerates the Sales Cycle.

⇒ With APILANi you gain access to focussed Sales and Business Consulting Partners.

In order to gain market share within Europe you need to manage your existing Channel as well as strategic Partners (OEMS, VADs, VARs, Service Providers). Marketing campaigns, customer-events are also all part of our well-elaborated Business Plan.

⇒ With APILANi you gain access to experienced Value add Channel Partners.

As part of your Go-to-Market concept you need to establish and expand your ISV and SI network.

⇒ With APILANi you gain access to a broad network of Systems Integrators.

Solution Selling


APILANi helps you to target on potential customers with topics like Infrastructure setup, Digital Strategy and more. You are able to prioritize on specific segments and allocated specific resources in order to implement the most effective Sales Approach.

⇒ APILANi helps you on direct and indirect Sales to complement your Sales Coverage.

Solution Selling combined with consulting services is a key driver for an efficient sales structure.

⇒ With APILANi you get access to IT consulting experts to continuously grow your long-term relationships with your Enterprise Customers.


Win-Win with your Customer ...

You get ...
► improved customer insights
► better understanding of customer needs
► better product knowledge
► better competitor information
► improved performance information
► better understanding of usage patterns
► better understanding of customer strategy
Your customer gets ...
► better product information
► better information on services
► better understanding of upgrade/release
► better knowledge of product benefits
► raise of individual profile
► provide resource input
► influence on product development

Sales Operations & CVM


Professional Sales Operations strengthens the relationship between you and your customer. Tight customer relationships across the organization help to better understand your customer and anticipate your business.

APILANi provides you with Backoffice Services to run your sales organization and sales process efficiently within Europe. Together with you we define Sales Job Objectives, functional Accountabilities, organizationally structured Plans and Reporting Relationships to cover targeted Sales Segments within Europe.

⇒ With APILANi you get a powerful CVM Solution to guarantee sustainable Customer Retention.

Orchestration of Responsibilities within the Sales Cycle

► Marketing Campaigns
► Lead Generation
► Opportunity Creation
► Handover to Sales
► Work on Opportunity
► Sales Negotiation
► Work on Purchase
► Customer Care
Service & Support
► Product Delivery
► Accounting / Invoicing
► Operational Care
► Handover to Sales
Please leave the tasks to the respective departments, even if it is difficult.
The customer will develop the necessary understanding and certainly appreciate it.
There is no such thing as a buffer in sales or support that is responsible for all problems.
Don't blame it on the other one - team approach the only way to master the complex tasks.

From CRM to CVM to gain Market Share and long-term Customer Relationships

Customer-Vendor-Relationships are complex. There are several stakeholders within each Customer organisation.Some want your solution urgently, others fight against it. Still others don't know anything about your company or your solution, but their opinion is already set. They have a "hidden agenda" with buying arguments for solutions which are not publicly under discussion.

⇒ Not knowing who wants what is damaging your success. Don't ignore or underestimate the power of an up-to-date CRM system.  

Is Customer Relationship Management just a "matter of sales" - a "tool" providing customer-addresses for Sales Managers?
The core value of a CRM system doesn't come with the information about the customer "per se", meaning names, addresses, money etc. It comes with the relationship the customer has with you, your company, your competitors, their competitors and the whole ecosystem. The information about the relationship to your customer is not only necessary for the Sales person, but for everybody in your company who deals with the customer in some kind - Marketing, but also Service or Accounting.

⇒ It's essential that all parties work together and share their informations on one common platform.

A marketing campaign has to be published within the CRM system. Resulting leads are created and followed up in the same CRM system and if possible converted to sales opportunities. Informations about meetings, presentations, evaluations, negotiations within the sales cycle have to be attached to the sales opportunities added with information about invoicing and payment. Support cases and consulting, training, up and cross selling opportunities are all connected within the same CRM system.

⇒  Moving from Customer Relationship Management to Customer Value Management gives you a competitive advantage.

Sales Transformation


Changing customer organizations, evolving markets or drifting strategies on customers' side can impact your Go-To-Market strategy immensely and hit a heavy blow to your business efforts.

For complex product and solution sales you need to be prepared for a 12 months sales cycle. This period can be divided into five phases with different strategy levels, leadership envolvement, sales engagement and tool assistance.

⇒ With APILANi You will become pro-active in selling to make Your sales approach more effective.

User Experience & Customer-Satisfaction


During the pre-sale phase, all eyes are on the deal.

But what comes afterwards? Is the customer satisfied with your solution?

Long-term customer loyalty and the active participation of the customer in the post-sale phases bring great advantages for your company.

⇒ With APILANi you build up a sustainable relationship with your customers.