The right IT decision is necessary to to ensure growth and survive in a competitive world. As our client you can count on the Expert Know How of APILANi for your Management Decisions. ⇒ APILANi is your #1 Alliance Partner for Management Decisions.
Decision Support
On-Premise or Cloud, AI and Big Data - IT must be robust and flexible while budget-friendly. Get your expert advice from APILANi for your best IT solution.
Proof of Value
Which IT solution fits best to your business? Get the right solution with APILANi.
Projects & Execution
Plan and implement your IT projects in a way to optimally support your current business and promote future growth - with the help of APILANi.
► Build your IT-environment to optimally support your core business with Services from your #1 Alliance Partner APILANi.
Datacenter in Motion
Advisory Board & Interim Management
As technology driven company you have to constantly benchmark your product portfolio against functionality, user experience and future demand. The composition of your company's advisory board plays an important role in the assessment of potential and the associated company strategy. ⇒ APILANi is your #1 Alliance Partner as Advisor or Interim Manager with whom you can shape your company's future.
Advisory Board
The composition of your company advisory board plays an important role in the assessment of potential and the associated company strategy. APILANi will help you to make the right choice.
Interim Management
By using an external interim manager via APILANi, you can keep an eye out for the replacement of a management position, regardless of the internal power struggle.
Leadership & Team Coaching
As Enterprise Customer you have to solve challenges resulting from internal reorganisations / outsourcing / merge & acquisitions / project & deadline pressure / team challenges. Analyse your current situation and create a guideline how to get to a satisfying overall solution. ⇒ APILANi is your #1 Alliance Partner for new options or action alternatives you've rejected or ignored so far.
Corporate Culture & Value Management
Over time, companies have difficulties to adapt to changing conditions (competition / cost pressure / delivery times) due to a rigid corporate culture. APILANi helps you out of the trap.
The "who" behind the "what" is the secret of success. APILANi helps your team to strengthen the strengths and become more successful.
Leadership Coaching
"Most of what we call leadership is making people's jobs harder." (Peter Drucker) Help your employees develop and support them in their roles with the help of APILANi.
► Contribute to the Company target with agile IT and smart digitization with Services from your #1 Alliance Partner APILANi.