Advisory Board & Interim Management


You have to constantly benchmark your portfolio against functionality, user experience and future demand. The composition of your company's advisory board plays an important role in the assessment of potential growth and company strategy.

⇒ APILANi is your #1 Enterprise Alliance Partner with whom you can shape your company's future.

APILANi's Services in detail ...

Advisory Board

As technology experts and opinion leaders, we also work together with Technology companies by taking on  advisory board mandates. The composition of your company advisory board plays an important role in the assessment of potential and the associated company strategy for your product or your product line.

APILANi helps you to fill your company advisory board correctly by taking on the mandate ourselves or by recommending a suitable person or group of persons. In our opinion, the open exchange of ideas and assessments works best in a manageable group of four to eight experts.

The advantages and disadvantages of your product strategy can be weighed up in a trusting atmosphere if the experts can openly express concerns, critical opinions or objections instead of just agreeing with your own suggestions.

⇒ With APILANi you have a competent advisor as "sparring partners" with whom you can shape the future of your company successfully.

Interim Management

In the event of a management gap in your company, you have the opportunity to relieve the management and executives of urgent projects by using an interim manager and thus close the gap immediately.

Through the need-based selection of the required technical expertise and the time limit of the interim management, you get a far better cost-benefit ratio than by not filling the management gap.

In addition, the external interim manager brings new knowledge and methods from previous reference projects and an unbiased perspective when assessing difficult situations within your company.

⇒ By using an external interim manager, you have the opportunity to keep an eye out for the replacement of the failed management position - without internal power struggle.

When do I need an Interim Manager ?

► Immediate assumption of operational responsibility
► Valuable extra know-how
► Fast and effective action
► Unbiased point of view
► Needs-based costs
► Self-motivation
► Transparency