Markets are complex and evolving constructs with major regional differences. As an IT Vendor you're facing global competition in different markets. ⇒ APILANi is your #1 Alliance Partner to establish your international B2B Marketing strategy.
Promotion & Positioning in the Market
With APILANi you're able to adapt your global Marketing efforts to regional conditions in EMEA. You'll benefit from our broad experience in various markets.
Account Based Marketing
Align your Marketing activities with the needs of your target customers through individualized messages. Become your customers' personal advisor with APILANi.
Lead Generation & Acquisition of new Customers
Optimize your leads through various digital delivery channels (websites, e-mails, social networks, search engines). Your campaigns become more successful with APILANi.
Brand Image Development
Through your Brand's attractiveness you will influence your customers' purchase decisions. Your Brand Image is driving your sales success. Work on it with APILANi.
Strategic Sales Services
You want to present your product portfolio globally. For a successful Go-To-Market strategy, you need territorial, economic and cultural know-how as well as solid regional business relationships. ⇒ APILANi is your #1 Alliance Partner for the implementation of your international sales strategy.
Key Account Management
Let your Key Accounts be your advocats and collaboration peers. Optimally manage your strategic customers and ensure sustainable growth with APILANi.
Solution Selling
Assist your customers with their journey into the digital world. Allocate resources for priority topics and follow your most effective Sales Approach with APILANi.
Sales Transformation
Adapt to changes within customer organizations or markets and avoid negative effects on your overall Go-To-Market strategy with the help of APILANi.
Partner Management
Generate additional business as part of your market launch strategy via indirect sales channels such as VARs, IVSs, SIs, Affiliates and use APILANi's business relationships.
Sales Operations & CVM
Strengthen your customer relationship across all departments to better understand your customers needs and anticipate deals. Build up a real Customer Value Management system with APILANi.
User Experience & Customer Satisfaction
Achieve long-term customer loyalty through active participation in post-sale phases with the help of APILANi. Your customer will buy again and also recommend you to other prospects.
Business Acceleration Services
You are an Entrepreneur or a team of experts and about to start your own Company. As technicians you have a clear idea vision of your Product. Version 1.0 is about to be generally available. ⇒ APILANi is your #1 Alliance Partner to be prepared for a mid-term and long-term Product Roadmap.
Business Preparation
Your technical background enables you to develop a Product with great functionality. APILANi helps you with the Company Building Process.
Venture Capital Initiation
There is no "one fits all" package for Start-Ups. Before you bring in an investor, you should definitely have a business model worked out. APILANi prepares you for it.
Your GoToMarket plan revolves around your ideal target customer. As part of your business strategy, APILANi helps you answering questions.
Team Building & Collaboration
Building the right team is at least as important as developing the right product. The "who" behind the "what" is critical. APILANi will help you with your setup.
Business Coaching & Mentoring Services
You are an IT Vendor or IT Start-Up and want to position your company, your product, your team properly. In order to implement the right measures, you have to analyze the problems correctly and sequentialize and prioritize the resulting actions. ⇒ APILANi is your #1 Alliance Partner for new options and action alternatives you have rejected or not considered before.
Situation Analysis
Analyze your current situation, company structure or internal processes from an energetic point of view and create a guideline for your success.
Value Management
Adapt to changing conditions like increasing competition, cost pressure and shorter delivery times.
Target Management
Structure your topics, validate the objectives, know about the influences and interactions and immediately take the right actions.
► Beat your global competition as IT Vendor with Services from your #1 Alliance Partner APILANi. Contact us!