Marketing Services


Markets are complex and evolving constructs with major regional differences.
As an IT Vendor you're facing global competition.
⇒ APILANi is Your #1 Alliance Partner to establish Your international B2B Marketing strategy.

Our Marketing Services include ...

Promotion & Positioning

With B2B Marketing Services you get assistance from Lead Generation to Sales Conversion and long-term Customer Support. Marketing Communication & Promotion gets you more attention and you can interact with your Enterprise Customers more easily.

Promotion is always limited in time. Long-term support of the overall Marketing Strategy will be achieved via repeated and coordinated promotion campaigns. Our promotion strategy focusses on four areas of success:

► Promotion  ♦  Corporate Identity / Brand / Communication
► Product       ♦  Innovation / Differentiation / Variation
► Place            ♦  Direct Sales / Distribution Channel / e-Commerce
► Price            ♦   Cost Recovery / Penetration / Skimming

⇒ APILANi helps you with the addoption of your Marketing Approach to regional conditions in Europe.

Lead Generation & Acquisition of new customers


Qualified customer data help you to expand your customer base and to enter into dialogue with your customers. You can find out more about the needs of your customers and continuously optimize your solution.

A large number of web analytics tools and services are there to be used for automatic lead generation and linked to existing business software (accounting, controlling, sales, purchasing, production, warehousing, transport, etc.).

Advertising media with targeted content (white papers, advertising banners, newsletters, text links, etc.) can be used through all delivery channels. Interested parties become leads who are then passed on to sales to initiate a deal. Additionally, trade fairs, summits or roadshows can be used as popular marketing instruments for generating leads in B2B marketing.

⇒ APILANi helps you with optimized lead generation through various digital delivery channels.

Account Based Marketing


Using a sophisticated Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Strategy, your marketing campaigns get better performance.

The aim is not to win as many potential customers as possible with as many overlapping programs as possible. Individualized messages will more clearly address your target audience and their specific needs, and will more effectively guide them to the consideration or purchase of your solutions.

ABM is particularly useful when products or solutions are only relevant to a small number of target customers or are more valuable to specific customers within a specific audience than to others.

⇒ APILANi helps your team align your marketing efforts with the needs of your defined target customers.

Brand Image Development


A strong brand is a huge competitive advantage. Operationally, it leads to lower implementation costs and higher margins. Building a brand extends from brand analysis to a concrete communication strategy with clear positioning on the market and differentiation from the competition.

The customer's purchasing decision process is significantly influenced by the attractiveness of a brand. In order to successfully differentiate oneself from the competition, it does not help to simply increase the number of advertising messages at will.

The core of the brand conveys the values of the company and thus creates orientation and trust for the customer. All steps of brand management must then be coordinated.

⇒ APILANi helps you to develop your Brand according to your goals.